∙ Collingdale, Pennsylvania ∙

Standing as a witness to the faithfulness of Christ

Established 1873

& stewards of the Anglican tradition.

At Grace Church you will find…

A Faith.

As an Anglican body in the Reformed Episcopal Church, Grace Church gathers together in the worship of the Triune God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, holding to the historic Christian faith delivered through the ages. We believe the Holy Bible is the uniquely inspired Word of God and the measure of the Christian faith. This faith, handed down through the Christ's church & His faithful ministers, is proclaimed and summarized in the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds. Our worship centers around the altar, flanked by God’s Word read and preached, and we draw near to His holy presence in Communion using the Book of Common Prayer.

A Community.

As a diverse parish gathered around a common table, we look to Christ as the source of our unity. It is our Savior who draws us together as a family, giving us a place to belong and a spiritual home to cherish. Hospitality is key to our evangelism – whether we welcome our neighbors to our tables for a meal, our homes for hospitality, or our lives for fellowship, we ultimately seek to draw them to the knowledge of Christ, the front of rebirth, and holy meal of Communion.

A Rule.

Life in rhythm, prayer in turning & returning, the year in cycle – as Anglicans, we see time as movement toward and movement within. As we head toward eternity, our time on earth is ordered around the Church calendar, the daily offices, and the Eucharist. By keeping the prayers and binding ourselves to a rule of living, we are ordering our lives according to a heavenly pattern. From this rule of life comes health & peace, graciously flowing from the hand of God.

A Mission.

With our eyes fixed on our heavenly home, we keep our hands busy at the work of the Kingdom. As we have received, we are then bound to give. As we yearn to hear the voice of our Saviour say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” we want that same renewal for those whom Christ has placed into our lives. So with the time we are given, with the strength we possess, we push forward in the calling we have received. May we ever be ready to give an account of the hope we have in Christ Jesus.

Worship with us.

Sunday at 10 A.M.

Holy Communion

523 Clifton Ave. Collingdale, PA 19023


LORD, we pray thee that thy grace may always both precede and follow us, and make us continually to be given to all good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer, Collect for the 14th Sunday after Trinity

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